After years of being erased and overlooked from the burlesque history books, I decided to create my dynasty and celebrate my power. Burlesque Pageants have been around for decades, but there aren’t many Performers of Color who have been crowned or celebrated. I believe it’s time for a change.

My mission is to promote glamour and to create healing opportunities for the BIPOC burlesque community. I want to create a platform to help us become headliners, educators, and savvy entrepreneurs.

I’m a proud burlesque queen who believes in protesting against ignorance and the limited celebration of people who look like me. I’ve made it my mission to showcase the beauty and opulence of brown skin. Glamour has many faces. Burlesque has many faces. History will not repeat itself.


Perle Noire

Special thanks to Poison Ivory, Samson Night, Egypt Blaque Knyle, Foxy Lexxi, and Crocodile Lighting for securing our legacy by showcasing excellence everywhere they go. xx Perle Noire